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By becoming a member of the Fellowship it will entitle you to receive all our great services including our seasonal magazine the bulletin, attend branch and online meetings, access to various grants and much more. A full list of services please see our membership policy.


If you would like to become a member of the Fellowship or renew your existing membership please follow the links below. Don't forget you need to renew your membership each year. Don't worry we will remind you if you forget!


Renew My Membership


Become a New Member


There are lots of benefits to membership but perhaps the most significant reason is the that we are a FELLOWSHIP, we are coming together as a community to help all Polio Survivors.


  • A collective voice is a stronger voice.

  • We are here to serve the polio community and the best way we can do this, is by having membership.

  • There is a perception that there is not many polio survivors out there, a strong membership can show decision makers in government, healthcare professional and local authority providers that there is significant number of people that need help.

  • We are carrying out a number of projects , in relation to the strategy and other areas and the when talking to third parties about these project – generally speaking we get asked the question,  How many polio survivors are there in the UK. A strong membership base will help with this.

  • By renewing your membership, we can ensure the details we have for you are up-to-date and correct.

  • The polio epidemics in the past are a crucial part of history and many lesson can be learnt from them, be counted as part of that history.



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